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Pokemon Sleep, the highly anticipated blend of collectathon and sleep aid app, launches at last

Pokemon Sleep, the highly anticipated blend of collectathon and sleep aid app, launches at last
| Pokémon Sleep

The highly anticipated sleep tracker/mobile game combo - and yes, you read that right - Pokemon Sleep has finally been released after a few months of trailers and explanations on all of the app’s systems. With the app fully released, it’s a lot easier to understand what exactly this unique blend of the world’s biggest video game property and sleep health application all tie into!

Looking for other relaxation-based games in your pocket? Why not check out our Top 15 best relaxing games for iOS?

Pokemon Sleep actually isn’t all that terribly complicated at first value. Upon entering the app, you’ll be transported to an island with a new Pokemon professor, who will then introduce you to a Pikachu who will be your best pal for the remainder of the game. Afterwards, you’ll then meet Snorlax, who is your main objective. Your primary goal is to set a solid bedtime in the real world, sleep a solid 8-8.5 hours each night near said bedtime, and then that will attract different Pokemon who all have different sleep styles.

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From there, you’ll be able to collect some of these Pokemon who are attracted to your island based on how you sleep. Whether you make a lot of noise in your sleep, or you toss and turn, or you just don’t sleep much at all, all of these will factor into who shows up within your game. You’ll then collect these different Pokemon to fill up your dex with Sleep Styles, and also feed whichever Pokemon you’d like to keep as your own team member snacks to become their friend!

A smaller subsystem that adds some depth to this sleep app video game combo is the fact that these friends of yours will then collect fruits and vegetables, which you can then cook up into a dish to feed the Snorlax that will take up residence at each island. If you keep Snorlax fed during three separate time periods each day, he’ll slowly level up, which will then unlock new Pokemon who can show up to your garden!

That’s a brief summary of what you can expect within Pokemon Sleep, so if that sounds interesting to you, or if you’ve been looking for a good excuse to get some better sleep every night, this is the app for you. Give it a go by downloading it for free at either of the links below!

Pokémon Sleep icon
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Connor Derrick
Connor Derrick
Connor is a diehard JRPG fan and an equally diehard fan of writing. When he isn’t putting 100+ hours into the latest Atlus release, he’s playing board games with his partner or blasting a mid-2000s punk record. Music, film, writing, and games are his biggest passions, and he hopes to one day unite all of those in some way or another.