
Pokemon Go is hosting a rerun of Community Day: Classic after login issues plagued the first attempt

Pokemon Go is hosting a rerun of Community Day: Classic after login issues plagued the first attempt
| Pokemon GO

How often do you see three Community Day events in a single month in Pokémon Go? Even with the inclusion of Classic ones, it’s never really happened before. This one isn’t something special either, as Squirtle returns because of all the issues players experienced during the Community Day Classic: Squirtle event on July 9th.

Pokémon Go’s 7th anniversary was being spearheaded by Pokémon #007, Squirtle. Unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned and players using Pokémon Trainer Club faced a tonne of issues during the event. Hence, to make up for it, Niantic is once again hosting the Community Day Classic event on July 23rd, between 2:00 and 5:00 pm local time.

As always, Squirtle will be found more frequently in the wild, with its Shiny version making more appearances as well. Completing tasks will award players encounters with the Tiny Turtle Pokémon as well, particularly Field Researches, which will give trainers the opportunity to get their hands on a Squirtle wearing sunglasses.

This makeup event is pretty advantageous for those who didn’t face any problems the last time as they get to earn even more Candy. Obtaining enough means players can evolve the Pokémon into Wartotle, and finally into Blastoise. If trainers manage to do this before 7:00 pm, they will gain a Blastoise who knows the Charged Attack Hydro Cannon.

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That’s not all. The event bonuses return to make life easier too. Lure Modules and Incense activated during the event will last of three hours, and eggs will hatch in one-fourth the distance. In addition, players taking snapshots during the event may see some surprises as well.

Finally, trainers can participate in the Community Day Special Research Story for $1.00. It includes access to exclusive events that offer numerous rewards and encounters with Squirtle. Once this event this over, the third and final Community Day of the month featuring Poliwag will take place on July 30th.

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Tanish Botadkar
Tanish Botadkar
Tanish is a freelance writer who's an absolute Marvel nerd. If he's not writing, he's probably rewatching anything related to Marvel so that he can spam his friends with theories. And if not that, he can be found gaming on his trusty PS4. While gaming is a passion for him, he also loves science and hopes to become a neuroscientist one day.