
iPhone gaming podcast: Episode 66 - Plants vs Zombies, Barcelona, vomit

A week in the life

iPhone gaming podcast: Episode 66 - Plants vs Zombies, Barcelona, vomit

In this week’s podcast we find out about the vomiting habits of several members of our glorious team.

But it’s not all bodily functions and incriminating personal disclosures. Before we get down to the nitty gritty of the effects that Mobile World Congress induced over-indulgence can have, we manage to trot out a huge quantity of iPhone gaming news, rumours, and hands on reportage.

There’s talk about Street Fighter IV on the iPhone, Noby Noby Boy, and the new (free) iPhone and iPod touch firmware. Then it’s off to the rumour mine to discuss The Prince of Persia, Seinfeld and why skiing now includes guns.

Last off, we do some hands on reporting of the games we’ve been playing, which this week include Plants vs Zombies, Sphinks and Brothers in Arms 2.

This jamboree of chatter from Rob, Tracy and myself (Fraser) can be collected from the iTunes Store in download or streaming form. You can also download it via RSS, or just listen to it here, from within your browser.

Remember: we like comments, we like feedback, and we like ratings so if you’re feeling inclined, give us all three, we might even give you mention next week if your words are particularly profound.

But for now, the best thing you could do (besides listening to the latest episode) is click ‘Track It!’