New Releases

Ninja Commando, the classic 2D time-jumping action game, launches onto mobile courtesy of the ACA NeoGeo library

Ninja Commando, the classic 2D time-jumping action game, launches onto mobile courtesy of the ACA NeoGeo library
| Ninja Commando

In yet another addition to the seemingly ever-growing retro game library within the ACA NeoGeo app collection, Ninja Commando has received a modern-day-friendly port for mobile devices. Served to us by SNK and Hamster, this classic 2D action game sees you traversing time itself to preserve historical events as a master ninja unafraid of any foes.

Looking for more adrenaline-fueled experiences in your pocket? Check out our Top 25 best action games for iOS!

ACA NeoGeo has proved to be one of the most impressive mobile app collections, allowing modern gamers a way to tap into the retro side of things with updated versions of NeoGeo games. From Samurai Shodown to Fatal Fury and many in-between, these ports have all been updated and brought up to par for even the youngest of gamers.

And now, fans of the classic action game Ninja Commando can check out its newest and fanciest port with the new ACA NeoGeo release. This 2D shooter-action-hybrid puts you in the shoes of a time-jumping ninja master who leaps back and forth in time to preserve the regular course of events that are supposed to occur. The antagonistic force is, of course, attempting to do its best to make sure history becomes all mixed and ruined.

Gameplay-wise, Ninja Commando sees you utilizing a wide variety of abilities to demolish foes that range from demonic forces to WW2 soldiers. It’s a challenging romp, as these NeoGeo games tend to be, but it can be a lot of fun to send a massive wall of fire at a bunch of enemies and destroy dozens at a time.

This is a stage-by-stage game, of course, and can be wrapped up relatively quickly, but you could always go in and play over and over to shoot for high scores. Regardless, it’s another fun retro experience that’s worth your time!

Give it a go by purchasing Ninja Commando for only $3.99 at either of the links below!

Ninja Commando icon
Download now!

Connor Derrick
Connor Derrick
Connor is a diehard JRPG fan and an equally diehard fan of writing. When he isn’t putting 100+ hours into the latest Atlus release, he’s playing board games with his partner or blasting a mid-2000s punk record. Music, film, writing, and games are his biggest passions, and he hopes to one day unite all of those in some way or another.