How Tos

How to download and play Rocket League Sideswipe on Android

Step by step guide on how to download and play Rocket League Sideswipe on Android right now!

How to download and play Rocket League Sideswipe on Android

If you are an avid reader of Pocket Gamer, you are probably already aware of the release of Rocket League Sideswipe in select countries. If not, just go through our coverage quickly, and you will catch up in less than a minute.

If you reside in any of the countries where Rocket League Sideswipe has officially launched, then you can simply head to Google Play or the App Store to download and enjoy the Rocket League experience on your smartphone.

Here is how to download and play Rocket League Sideswipe on Android from anywhere in the world

But what if the game is not available in your region, but you still want to get a taste of it? Android users can download Rocket League Sideswipe's APK and use a VPN to run it on their phones and tablets.

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Follow these steps to download and play Rocket League Sideswipe on your Android device:

  • Download a third-party app store on your device (For illustration purposes, we will use Up to Down)
  • Open Up to Down and download Rocket League Sideswipe's APK
  • Install the game's APK.
  • Now use any VPN app and connect to the servers of any country where the game is available officially (For example - Australia)
  • Now open the app and enjoy playing

Yes, it is that easy to download and play Rocket League Sideswipe on Android from anywhere in the world.

Please note we don't encourage downloading APKs. Instead, we suggest waiting for the official launch.

About the game

Rocket League Sideswipe is Rocket League on your mobile, but with a twist. Unlike the original game, the movement of cars is restricted to two dimensions, they can just move backwards and forwards. Since you will be playing from a side-scrolling viewpoint, the name fits right. It's a super fun game that comes loaded with great music, gameplay, graphics, sound and style. Make sure you check out our impression article to learn more.

Sumant Meena
Sumant Meena
I am a mobile gamer, passionate about exploring the world of mobile gaming. From the latest releases to hidden gems, I love sharing my experiences and tips with others. Follow me on my journey through the mobile gaming universe.