
Pokemon Sleep announces a nearby release window, getting Pokemon fans across the globe excited to rest alongside their favourite critters

Pokemon Sleep announces a nearby release window, getting Pokemon fans across the globe excited to rest alongside their favourite critters
| Pokémon Sleep

The highly anticipated half-game half-sleep app Pokemon Sleep has officially announced it will launch later this month! This unique new addition to the legendary Pokemon franchise will see players engage in healthy sleep habits in an effort to unlock different types of Pokemon, who will then stay as permanent additions to your roster. Think of it as a collectathon mixed with a sleep app, all wrapped in a pretty little Pokemon box!

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Pokemon Sleep has been on most mobile gamers' radars since it was announced a while back, mainly due to the IP it is attached to but also due to the unique premise. Whereas games like the other popular Pokemon mobile game Pokemon GO encourage you to be super active and get around your local area to catch different Pokemon, Pokemon Sleep can only be played right from your bed, or chosen sleeping spot!

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The way it all works is pretty simple. You begin by finding a sleeping Snorlax, who will only grow with your help. How do you help out our beloved big friend, you may ask? It’s easy! All you have to do is sleep right alongside him! As you set your sleep schedule in real life and keep the app on whilst you pass out, different types of Pokemon will come to your little garden next to Snorlax and take naps themselves.

Those Pokemon all change depending on your habits. Are you a midday napper? Then you’ll get a certain type of Pokemon showing up in your garden! Do you talk in your sleep? Expect the lullaby singing Jigglypuff to show up then. It can even tell when you sleep with your device plugged in, as the electric-tailed Raichu will show up for you!

Not only is this a healthy way to encourage gamers to make sure to get some good rest, but it’s also a pretty unique premise for a Pokemon game. If it sounds as exciting to you as it does to me, then you can check it out at the official website ahead of the planned release window of later this month!

Connor Derrick
Connor Derrick
Connor is a diehard JRPG fan and an equally diehard fan of writing. When he isn’t putting 100+ hours into the latest Atlus release, he’s playing board games with his partner or blasting a mid-2000s punk record. Music, film, writing, and games are his biggest passions, and he hopes to one day unite all of those in some way or another.