How Tos

Most efficient iron farm in Minecraft 1.19

| Minecraft
Most efficient iron farm in Minecraft 1.19

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It is no secret that there are numerous block types in Minecraft. Using them, you can construct your house, make tools to farm resources in a cave, and do various other things. Even though most Minecraft resources are only used occasionally, some resources are a necessary part of the game.

One of the most important is iron. It is used to craft powerful armor and various unique mechanisms. Also, in the game’s later stages, iron can be used for trading with villagers. So, you can't underestimate the role of iron in Minecraft.

By reading this guide, you will discover the most efficient iron farm in Minecraft 1.19. Moreover, there will be a detailed guide for building it.


Before finding out how to build the iron farm in Minecraft, we should discuss how it works. Generally, nothing is challenging about an iron farm. In the basement of this farm, there are three villagers and one zombie who can not touch them. When it is night, they try to sleep but are not allowed to do so because of the zombie.

It causes an iron golem to spawn in the water stream on the upper layer. After that, the iron golem will automatically go to the slaughtering factory and will bring iron ingots to you. It will be repeated every night, carrying tonnes of iron for you.


Before finding out how to build the iron farm in Minecraft, it would be best to discover how it works. Generally, nothing is challenging about this iron farm. In the basement of this farm, there are 3 villagers and 1 zombie who can not touch them. When it is night, they try to sleep but are not allowed to do it because of the zombie.


It causes spawning an iron golem in the water stream on the upper layer. After that, the iron golem will automatically go to the slaughtering factory and will bring iron ingots to you. It will be repeated every night, carrying tonnes of iron for you.


Now you know the mechanism, we'll mention the resources you need for making an iron farm. And the foremost thing you should know is that this farm is expensive. Check out the table below to learn all the resources needed and the amount for each one.



Building Block

13 Stacks + 32


3 Stacks + 4

Fence Gate






Villager Spawn Egg


Zombie Spawn Egg


Name Tag


Glass Pane 


Water Bucket


This list does not include resources for the storage system. The more iron you want to accumulate, the more blocks you should spend on building it.


Before building a farm, you should press F3 + G to make chunk borders visible. It will significantly help you while building a farm. After that's done, you can start building the basement. Click the big blue button below to learn how to build each part.

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The Basement

First, you should place 5 blocks diagonally on every corner of the visible chunk. After that, destroy 4 blocks to form a square. Build up 5 blocks and connect everything.

Once that's complete, you should start building a storage system on the ceiling. Honestly, there are no limitations in building it. So, you can make it however you want.

Also, close the upper area with a wall that's 3 blocks high. In the second block, you need to place fence gates or signs to stop the lava and open them. After that, use the lava bucket to place lava in every corner.

And when you have built hoppers on the upper layer, you should fill all sides of the square with double chests. The farm in this guide produces 7,000 iron per hour. Therefore, double chests are necessary.

Upper Layer

First, you should go to any side and build up a 15 x 6 wall. After that, press F3 + G again and place blocks until you reach the border of the second chunk. Connect it with a 15x6, fill it with blocks and build 4 blocks down to make a wall. Activate the chunk borders again and build the floor until reaching the border.

This platform should be divided into 2 sides. You should place 3 beds on the first side and spawn villagers here. On the second side, you should leave only 2 free blocks and spawn a zombie here. After that, fill 2 blocks with water so that the zombie will not be able to hit villagers. After that, build up this construction to create a closed box, just like in the images below.

Main Mechanism

One of the last things you should do for your farm is to surround the upper platform with walls. But walls can make iron golems stay in the corners. Therefore, you need to use glass blocks, just like in the screenshot below.

After that, feel free to fill the upper platform with water, putting open fence gates at some intervals. Fence gates will help the iron golem float in the water and get killed by lava, bringing your ingots.

More Layers

Now you know how to build the iron farm, you can add 3 more modules on the other 3 sides to make the iron farm more effective. And the best thing about this iron farm is that there are no limits. Therefore, you can quickly build new layers using the exact mechanism. And the more layers you make, the more iron it will bring per hour.

In conclusion, one of the most efficient iron farms in Minecraft can bring over 7,000 iron ingots per hour. Also, keep in mind that you can quickly expand the farm, producing even more ingots daily. But keep in mind that such a large construction significantly decreases FPS. So, be ready for some lag. While you're here, may we suggest you take a look at our=list of the best survival island seeds in Minecraft 1.19.

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