
Demian Saga introduces new Skin system in latest update

Demian Saga introduces new Skin system in latest update
| Demian Saga

Haegin has just released a new update for its recently launched collectible RPG, Demian Saga: Chrono Pirates. The patch introduces a novel Skin system that not only adds more aesthetic value to in-game characters but also affects abilities based on the level of the selected Skin.

Skins in Demian Saga are similar to armours seen in other games. They’re divided into three categories – Normal, Special, and Legend. The Normal class is only a cosmetic one, providing no benefits other than changing the hero’s appearance.

The Special grade on the other hand boosts the character’s attack and HP. Finally, the Legend tier takes it a step further as it combines the effect of the other two, while additionally boosting Physical and Magical Defence, as well as granting a special icon and title.

Currently, eight skins are available in-game, of which three are Normal, three Special, and two Legendary. Players will find Nakuru and La Pucell in Special summery swimsuits whereas Preah will be in a school uniform.

As for the Legend class, the first two Skins have been reversed for Pho and Kenichi. Pho is being anthropomorphised and gender-bent into an adorable girl. Kenichi also receives the same treatment as he turns into a more effeminate version of himself.

Players can get their hands on these skins both through summons and crafting. In order to craft a skin, players will have to participate in Fame Quests and other missions from the Skin Crafting Centre and complete them. Once they’re cleared, the outfits will automatically unlock.

Test out these new skins by downloading Demian Saga: Chrono Pirates by clicking on either of the links below. It is a free-to-play game with in-app purchases. For more information about the new Skin system, visit the game’s Facebook page.

While you're at it, check out this list of the top RPGs to play on Android!

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Tanish Botadkar
Tanish Botadkar
Tanish is a freelance writer who's an absolute Marvel nerd. If he's not writing, he's probably rewatching anything related to Marvel so that he can spam his friends with theories. And if not that, he can be found gaming on his trusty PS4. While gaming is a passion for him, he also loves science and hopes to become a neuroscientist one day.