Promo & Redeem Codes

Aether Gazer redeem codes (April 2024)

Aether Gazer redeem codes (April 2024)
Updated on April 23, 2024 - Checked for new codes

Here you can find all the latest codes for Aether Gazer. Redeem them as soon as they appear on our list to claim various in-game rewards. Everything that you need to know is below on this page. For those of you that are looking for more guides, take a look at the Aether Gazer tier list for the global version of the game! 

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About Aether Gazer Codes

In order to redeem the codes and claim the rewards, make sure to type them exactly as they're shown on our list. If you are still having issues redeeming them, there's a chance they might have expired and they are no longer valid. Of course, we regularly check our codes to make sure that they are active, but if we missed any, let us know. Also, keep in mind that you can only redeem a code once per account.

Currently Working codes for Aether Gazer

  • There are no active Aether Gazer codes at this time.

Expired Codes

The codes below are no longer valid. Of course, you can give it a try if you want, but don't expect much!

  • YingzhaoTrade (Expires March 30)
  • TianLuSupplies (Expires March 7)
  • 2024NEWYEAR (Expires January 7)
  • tomyfriendtantan (Expires December 25)
  • AG2023BESTSTORY (Expires December 6)
  • happyagdiscord60k - 100 shifted stars and 10 x coolant
  • Summer2023
  • June2023
  • AGGift
  • AG777
  • AetherGazer

How to redeem the codes in Aether Gazer

Redeeming Aether Gazer codes in game
In case this is your first time redeeming Aether Gazer codes and you are not sure how it works, here's what you need to do:

  • Launch Aether Gazer on your device
  • If this is your first time playing the game, you will have to complete the tutorial. This will take you to level 5 or so.
  • Once you are in the main game lobby, tap on the symbol right under the system clock. You'll find it on the top left of your screen.
  • This will open a new menu box. Select "Redeem".
  • Now all you have to do is type in a code exactly as it is shown on our list above and tap on "Confirm".
  • If you did everything correctly, you should be able to claim your rewards from your mailbox.

That's all we have for our Aether Gazer codes at the moment. Whenever the developers issue new codes for the game, we will add them to our list. Check back on this page often so you won't miss out on any freebies! If you are interested in getting the latest news about the game, Aether Gazer has an official Discord server that you can join.

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Original Article by Mihail Katsoris, updated by Sumant Meena
Sumant Meena
Sumant Meena
I am a mobile gamer, passionate about exploring the world of mobile gaming. From the latest releases to hidden gems, I love sharing my experiences and tips with others. Follow me on my journey through the mobile gaming universe.