New Releases

Brave Brain, a brand new travel-themed trivia game, launches for iOS and Android

Brave Brain, a brand new travel-themed trivia game, launches for iOS and Android
| The Brave Brain

A brand new travel-oriented trivia game has launched on mobile courtesy of developer Kikiriki Games. Brave Brain is a simple and casual-friendly game, offering up an expansive amount of different brain-teasing questions about different parts of the world, all while offering up a way to learn more about the globe as well.

Do you love to show off all the random facts you've memorized? Check out our Top 25 best trivia apps for iOS!

Brave Brain is, at its core, a pretty recognizable game. Due to the general nature of the trivia genre, we all know what we’re getting into here. You’ll be tasked with answering a variety of different questions that vary in topics, and then you’ll answer those in the shortest amount of time possible to up your score and become a weekly leaderboard champion.

Where Brave Brain gets a little different with it is in the nature of its progression. The entire game takes place on a global map, and as you begin to challenge yourself with different questions, you’ll progress to different destinations across the globe and answer questions related to that area.

Typically, there are three categories of these questions per location. One question might be interesting to know if you remember the history of that particular location, while another might ask a more geographical question in nature. This makes it a fun way to learn more about different parts of the world, all while keeping your brain engaged and testing different parts of your random knowledge.

On top of that, there’s also leaderboards to conquer galore. If you’re more of a competitive gamer, this is where you’ll want to spend your time, not only answering each question right but also taking the least amount of time possible.

Overall, this is a pretty neat little trivia game you can take around in your pocket to play on your lunch breaks or when you’re relaxing at home. It’s simple, but trivia games don’t need to be much else if you ask me.

Check it out for free at either of the links below this article!

The Brave Brain icon
Download now!

Connor Derrick
Connor Derrick
Connor is a diehard JRPG fan and an equally diehard fan of writing. When he isn’t putting 100+ hours into the latest Atlus release, he’s playing board games with his partner or blasting a mid-2000s punk record. Music, film, writing, and games are his biggest passions, and he hopes to one day unite all of those in some way or another.