New Releases

Savage Reign, the old 1993 released fighting game, launches onto mobile courtesy of SNK's ACA NeoGeo Library

Savage Reign, the old 1993 released fighting game, launches onto mobile courtesy of SNK's ACA NeoGeo Library
| Savage Reign

For this week’s new addition to the constantly growing ACA NeoGeo Library, courtesy of SNK and Hamster, we’ve got yet another classic fighting game. Savage Reign, the 2D 1v1 fighter released way back in 1995, revolved around a tournament full of godlike entities and creatures, all duking it out to win the main tournament of the game: King’s Lion’s Battle of the Beast-God.

Savage Reign isn’t too far out of the wheelhouse of the fighting games developed around the 90s era. You’ve got the beautiful 2D sprites, a decent roster of godly characters inspired by a lot of different mythology, super meters, and all that sort of thing. Each character has unique abilities and plays differently from one another, as is usually the case with these games, so you’re sure to find one you like.

While it might be tough to get into given how spoiled we are with modern-day fighting games, it’s great to have a way to check out what the genre used to look like way back when and experience what the oldheads of the fighting game community may have experienced back in the arcade days.

The ACA NeoGeo Library has been a pretty massive success, focused on bringing old classic titles to the mobile forefront. From Samurai Shodown to Fatal Fury, the library seems to be dialled in on mostly fighting games, but there are quite a few re-releases of top-down shoot-em-ups and platformers too.

These re-released versions of old classics are pretty much the best way to play them nowadays. They’re all optimised for mobile devices in terms of controls, but there are also plenty of other quality-of-life changes such as save-states, multiplayer, gamepad support, and even enhanced audio and visuals. It’s a pretty great collection, and it’s always cool to see developers trying to keep their older games playable and accessible for newer generations.

If you want to check out one of the older games that helped shape the fighting game genre as we know it today, you can purchase Savage Reign for only $3.99 at either of the links below!

Savage Reign icon
Download now!

Looking for more fighting game goodness? Check out our Top 25 available for iOS!
Connor Derrick
Connor Derrick
Connor is a diehard JRPG fan and an equally diehard fan of writing. When he isn’t putting 100+ hours into the latest Atlus release, he’s playing board games with his partner or blasting a mid-2000s punk record. Music, film, writing, and games are his biggest passions, and he hopes to one day unite all of those in some way or another.