
Project Star, the new game from the developers of the gacha RPG CounterSide, reveals another trailer

Project Star, the new game from the developers of the gacha RPG CounterSide, reveals another trailer
| Project Star

Developer StudioBside, who blew up due to the successful gacha strategy RPG CounterSide, has revealed their latest project: a turn-based RPG tentatively titled Project Star. This new game revolves around a sci-fi story that will see players seeking out memories within the stars, which is a heck of an interesting sell, and is sure to delight any fan of the studio’s previous game.

To be clear, not a ton is known about Project Star at this current moment. Pretty much all we have so far is a small teaser trailer that does prove the game will be a 3D turn-based affair, and offers a small peek at what we can expect from the graphical fidelity of the game. That being said, there is a bit more to dig into here.

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The primary reason many fans of CounterSide will likely want to check this one out beyond simply being by the same developer is that it seems quite possible this is a direct continuation of the story from CounterSide. There are a few tidbits within the trailer that show off some CounterSide elements, but the primary one is the small teaser at the very end that shows off a high-tech armoured lady who resembles a fan-favourite character within CounterSide itself.

And if that wasn’t clear enough, there’s also the strange quote at the end: “The Legendary She Will Return.” If Project Star was its own world, this wouldn’t mean a whole lot and would likely not be worth putting in a teaser, so I feel pretty safe in assuming that this is indeed a story sequel to CounterSide.

For now though, we’ll have to wait to see what other information about the game is drip fed to us. In the meantime, you can keep an eye on the official StudioBside website for any updates!

Connor Derrick
Connor Derrick
Connor is a diehard JRPG fan and an equally diehard fan of writing. When he isn’t putting 100+ hours into the latest Atlus release, he’s playing board games with his partner or blasting a mid-2000s punk record. Music, film, writing, and games are his biggest passions, and he hopes to one day unite all of those in some way or another.