
Dragon force: Puzzle & Dragons hits 1 million users in North America

US sales figures finally unveiled

Dragon force: Puzzle & Dragons hits 1 million users in North America

Building on its status as a mobile titan in Japan – a daily revenue of $4.9 million generated by more than 17 million registered playersPuzzle & Dragons' success is now spreading overseas.

News that the game has topped 1 million users in Korea has now finally been followed by an update by developer GungHo Online as to its performance in North America.

Just as in Korea, the game now boasts 1 million players Stateside.

Overseas invasion

A previous reluctance to detail Puzzle & Dragons' run in the North America had led to many commentators speculating that the Japanese game was struggling to find an audience beyond Asia.

However, though progression may not be quite at the same pace as the game has enjoyed in its home territory, according to GungHo the million mark was reached on 27 July - nearly nine months after the game arrived in the region.

The title has also been doing well in the US top grossing charts, rising as high as No. 6 on 14 July.

The game's advance in the US is an important market for GungHo, given recent stats suggest the game is losing momentum in Japan - Puzzle & Dragons took 19 days to jump from 12 million users to 13 million, a further 20 days to hit 14 million users, and then another 21 days to reach the 15 and 16 million user milestones respectively.

The last leap to 17 million users in Japan took 23 days – a still impressive rate, but down from the game's peak.

[source: Serkan Toto]

Chris Kerr
Chris Kerr
What do you call someone who has an unhealthy obsession with video games and Sean Bean? That'd be a 'Chris Kerr'. Chris is one of those deluded souls who actually believes that one day Sean Bean will survive a movie. Poor guy.