
More rumours: PSP2 games being made, PSP-4000 coming next year

The mill keeps grinding

More rumours: PSP2 games being made, PSP-4000 coming next year

Here we go again. Having reported last week on the PSP2, and on PSP2 parts a couple of weeks before that, we find ourselves today compelled to pass on the news that Eurogamer has received intelligence from ‘publisher sources’ that there are PSP2 games currently in development.

Although unsubstantiated, this rumour invites speculation that the PSP2 will be with us before too long. The current gen model is ailing, after all, with disappointing sales and a conspicuous lack of developer support. Only this morning we reported that Atari has snubbed the PSP entirely in its latest release schedule.

In more concrete news, meanwhile, it seems the PSP-4000 will be along before the end of 2009 - although the only reason this news is more concrete is that it’s less exciting. Having already seen the PSP-3000 and the DSi this year, we’re getting fed up with incremental improvements.

Sony is refusing to comment.

Rob Hearn
Rob Hearn
Having obtained a distinguished education, Rob became Steel Media's managing editor, now he's no longer here though, following a departure in late December 2015.