
Kerozen 3D bringing new worlds to the iPhone

New flight sim with randomly generated planets

Kerozen 3D bringing new worlds to the iPhone
| Kerozen 3D

Flight sims have gone down quite well on the iPhone, with the likes of X-Plane 9 and Flying Aces cruising at a pleasantly high altitude on the App Store hot lists.

On its way in to land is a new and expansive flight simulator from an enigmatic French programmer Florent Tournade, Kerozen 3D, which allows you to generate entire fractal-based planets to fly around.

The info's a little sparse right now (in English, anyway), but Tournade's game looks to generate some pretty decent amounts of detail, and offers a substantial amount of customisation when it comes to generating your environments (just call him Slartibartfast).

The video below shows Kerozen 3D displaying a lush, blue-green Earth-style planet, then switching to a moon-like terrain. Awesome.

There's promise of local multiplayer right out of the box, featuring capture-the-flag and defend-the-base modes, with hushed rumours of internet multiplayer coming in an update.

We'll have to wait to see what other kind of gameplay's involved, but the level of detail and the inspiring possibilities of engineering your own planets to explore makes Kerozen 3D an exciting way to round out the App Store's inaugural year. Watch this space.

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Spanner Spencer
Spanner Spencer
Yes. Spanner's his real name, and he's already heard that joke you just thought of. Although Spanner's not very good, he's quite fast, and that seems to be enough to keep him in a regular supply of free games and away from the depressing world of real work.