Promo & Redeem Codes

AFK Angels gift codes (April 2024)

AFK Angels gift codes (April 2024)
Updated on April 23, 2024 - Checked for new codes

If you're wondering how to get free resources in AFK Angels, one of the best options is to use codes. They are regularly updated and can bring you rewards pretty much effortlessly. And below, you can find all AFK Angels gift codes. We listed not only working codes but also expired ones.

Additionally, you can find codes for Ode to Alchemist,  Misty Continent: Cursed Island codes, and Archeland codes for a lot of cool in-game stuff for free. If you're playing other games as well, go through our search bar, as we are probably featuring them too!


When it comes to AFK Angels codes, the developers rarely add new ones - they're often dedicated to grand holidays like Christmas or Thanksgiving. Check the list below to see all working AFK Angels codes:

  • AFKAFB - 100 Diamond, Old Pray Stone, Handful of Oracle Jades, and 1k Sliver Stardust
  • AFKADiscord - free rewards
  • AFKAIns  - free rewards
  • DAFREE10 - - free rewards


  • AA23Xmas
  • AA23Thanksgiving - free rewards
  • Micaah3B (Expires November 23)
  • IA23SEP
  • MR Athena is coming (Valid till September 21)
  • 1stAFKAngels
  • DCDAMusic2306 (Valid till June 28)
  • DCFlowerDA 
  • DA20230310DC
  • WelcometoDAFB - 100 Diamond, 1 Old Pray Stone, 1 Handful of Oracle Jades, 1000 Silver Stardust
  • WelcomeToDADiscord - Limited rewards. Redeem as soon as possible
  • WelcomeToDAIns
  • DANOW222 - Limited rewards. Redeem as quickly as possible
  • DAEaster2023 
  • DADiscord5K
  • DAChristmas2022
  • Discord3KDA


Gift code box in Divinity Arrival

If you want to redeem the code and claim your free rewards, click on your profile icon located in the left corner of the screen. Here you need to choose the option Gift Code and enter codes from this article into the window. Press the Redeem button and rewards will be automatically added to your account. Using codes might be temporarily limited if you try to use incorrect codes too many times.

That’s it with our list of the currently working AFK Angels gift codes. They might come in handy even if you are an experienced player, so be sure to check back here for new ones as we are regularly updating our lists whenever new codes become available.

Sumant Meena
Sumant Meena
I am a mobile gamer, passionate about exploring the world of mobile gaming. From the latest releases to hidden gems, I love sharing my experiences and tips with others. Follow me on my journey through the mobile gaming universe.