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3 Count Bout, the classic wrestling-themed fighting game, gets ported to mobile courtesy of SNK and Hamster

3 Count Bout, the classic wrestling-themed fighting game, gets ported to mobile courtesy of SNK and Hamster
| 3 Count Bout

For the latest addition to the ever-growing retro-game library of mobile ports that is ACA NeoGeo from SNK and Hamster, 3 Count Bout has been released unto the masses. This old-school 2D fighting game ties in traditional classic fighting mechanics with a wrestling-themed setting, making for a unique set of characters and some awesome-looking fights.

Looking for more old-school fisticuffs? Check out our Top 25 best fighting games for iOS!

If you, like me, are a fan of the old-school games and you somehow haven’t yet dabbled into the massive ACA NeoGeo library, then allow me to enlighten you! This valiant effort from SNK and Hamster is essentially the act of porting every single game released for the NeoGeo console way back when into the mobile market. These ports are easily the best way to play these games, with modern control schemes, online play, and even save states to make playing such a dated title way easier for a modern gamer.

As for 3 Count Bout specifically, this one is pretty easy to understand. It’s a fighting game from the olden days, so think something like Street Fighter, but instead of a world-travelling theme with dozens of fighters themed after their countries, we’re dealing with pure straight-up wrestling instead. These wrestlers are still quite interesting, varying from stone mask-wearing buff guys to travelling monks who breathe fire.

So, if you were concerned that all the weirdness and quirks of Street Fighter would be lost within a more grounded setting, worry not, as the cast of 3 Count Bout is extremely eclectic and all use a variety of different weapons and powers to deal with their foes. It’s a pretty unique spin on a real-life sport, so be ready to see some ridiculous stuff.

If that sounds as awesome to you as it does to me, you can check out 3 Count Bout for only $3.99 at either of the links below!

3 Count Bout icon
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Connor Derrick
Connor Derrick
Connor is a diehard JRPG fan and an equally diehard fan of writing. When he isn’t putting 100+ hours into the latest Atlus release, he’s playing board games with his partner or blasting a mid-2000s punk record. Music, film, writing, and games are his biggest passions, and he hopes to one day unite all of those in some way or another.