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Whiteout Survival guide - Tips and tricks to survive the harsh environment

| Whiteout Survival
Whiteout Survival guide - Tips and tricks to survive the harsh environment

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When the cold weather comes in there are only so many things you can do to prepare for the changing conditions. You can put on warmer clothes and shelter yourself in an insulated area with as many heat sources as possible. Depending on your location, the cold weather may affect the environment in numerous ways and we all respond to it differently. However, it can't be denied that the cold can be harsh and brutal which is why there are so many apocalyptic scenarios associated with it. Such conditions make just trying to stay warm a true challenge and that's what you're doing in Whiteout Survival.

This game has you living in a world that is filled to the brim with snow. It's always cold and there seem to be no warmer areas in sight. Thankfully, humans have managed to have enough gear and equipment prepared to endure the beginning onslaught. Now comes the goal of finding a piece of snow-covered land that has enough space and nearby resources to support a settlement of some kind. It'll be a lot of work and you'll need to lead the survivors through a number of storms in hopes of establishing a new society as a beacon that shines through the endless snowfall.

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Tip #1 - Follow the Objective

In Whiteout Survival, the world as you know it has been covered by a heavy and neverending snowstorm. The few humans have managed to endure are travelling in small groups in hopes of finding a place to build a shelter. You follow a small family of four that manages to find one place to establish their new home following blueprints written by the grandfather. You need to help the members build all the facilities and buildings that they'll need in order to survive and try to live in this new harsh world. To make sure that this happens, you need to keep as many survivors alive as you can by turning their settlement into a city, finding other survivors, and making the snowy world safer.

Tip #2 - Employ your Survivors

Nothing gets done without the efforts of the humans hearty enough to live through the snowstorm. These are the Survivors and they'll need to be constantly working in order to gather resources and perform vital duties. After building facilities like Sawmills and Mines, you can assign any available Survivors to the open slots in order to start harvesting resources like Wood and Coal. For buildings like the Cookhouse and Clinic, Survivors need to be assigned here so that they can offer services like Feeding and Healing. Survivors will also need Beds in Shelters in order to rest and raise their overall morale. The more space you have, the more Survivors will come to your settlement to make it more efficient. You should avoid having any idle Survivors.

Tip #3 - Counter the cold

There are many threats in this snowy world but the biggest one is the cold. The current temperature is always displayed at the centre of the top screen. It will periodically raise and drop which will affect how your Survivors react. During particularly cold periods, survivors will work slower, will be more likely to get sick, and morale will be at risk of dropping. This is why you need to make sure that keep your Shelters fully stocked and upgraded to better protect your Survivors. Occasionally, you will need to face down a Storm which will sweep through your settlement dealing serious damage. Luckily, you'll get a countdown that will be tracked on the left side telling you how long until the Storm arrives. It also tells you what you'll need in order to weather it which should always be your priority. When you've met the requirements, click the counter and select "Ready."

Tip #4- Evolve your city

Your city is one of the last bastions in the world and provides hope to many in a frozen world. When you start building, your settlement will orient itself around a huge heat source known as the Furnace. It starts as a large bonfire but will quickly grow into the most resilient and important structure. It provides the main source of heat to all your Survivors and allows you to expand your settlement by melting the surrounding snow. As it does so, your city will evolve to become bigger and stronger. As the foundation for your city, you should frequently check its upgrade requirements since higher-level facility upgrades will always require a higher-level Furnace. Each building can be outfitted with different accessories which can be improved and once you've improved enough, the building can be upgraded. The more advanced your building gets, the more it can produce and the more Survivors it can include.

Tip #5 - Explore

Even though your main focus is building and maintaining your city, you have a responsibility to make this new world safe for your people. While playing, you'll eventually meet Survivors known as Heroes who are well-trained warriors willing to brave the wilderness. You'll need at least one Hero to lead an expedition. Each one is broken into levels with each one representing an enemy that must be defeated, ranging from wild animals to hostile Survivors. Exploration is necessary for gathering uncommon materials needed for upgrades. Your Heroes are fully healed between battles, but you need to level them up frequently to match the growing power level of enemies. If you're feeling underpowered, visit the Hall of Heroes for a chance to recruit new Heroes or collect pieces needed for a specific one.

Tip #6 - Send scouting parties

After your city reaches a certain size, you'll be able to unlock the Lighthouse. This will give you a wider view of the surrounding lands from above. It will help you spot Survivors in distress and threats like packs of aggressive wild animals. You can send out a scouting party to bring the Survivors back to your city, hunt down the animals, and investigate any other points of interest. It can definitely take a while depending on how far the destination is so once again, keep your Heroes powered up to deal with any problems they might encounter. It goes without saying that sending out scouts is dangerous when Storms are closing in which means you have to watch your timing.

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Will Quick
Will Quick
Will Quick is a travelling writer currently dedicating his time to writing about the games he spends his free time playing. He's always on the lookout for the smaller and stranger of the bunch so he can shine a light on them.