
Tears of Themis is bringing back the Fluffy Fuzzy Time II event for another pet-themed adventure

Tears of Themis is bringing back the Fluffy Fuzzy Time II event for another pet-themed adventure
| Tears of Themis

HoYoverse has just announced another exciting event for Tears of Themis which is kicking off in a few days. Titled Fluffy Fuzzy Time II, it is a continuation of an event that aired first in May. As its name suggests, it has to do with adorable pets. This time around, players will either be taking care of an energetic Pomeranian with Artem or they’ll be enjoying the company of Marius and his naughty navy-eyed Russian Blue.

Tears of Themis’ Fluffy Fuzzy Time II event begins on August 24th, allowing players to spend time with their favourite pet animals once again. The theme of the event is companionship and heart-to-heart interaction. As mischievous pets can be, they’re even more affectionate. They don’t express their love through words but do so by staying loyal to their companion forever. Not to mention, they help in igniting those romantic sparks as well.

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Thanks to these adorable animals, players can embark on another romantic journey with their fellow attorneys Artem and Marius. Together, they can increase the pet’s Growth Record and also unlock Growth Memories. Players can communicate with the pet by feeding, calling, and cleaning it in order to boost the Trust Levels.

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By going outdoors players can also participate in six special stories. Completing all these Growth Memories will further unlock rewards like the Love Messenger, Noble Cat, Badges, and S-Chips. In addition, players can also get their hands on dynamic invitations for Artem and Marius, called Amiable and Together in Dreams.

If that wasn’t enough, then the two main characters of this update, Artem SSR Cutie Ollie and Marius SSR Sweet Barry will have increased draw rates. The pair also comes with exclusive card art, a story, and a phone call.

Get ready for a pet-filled adventure by downloading Tears of Themis now for free.

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Tanish Botadkar
Tanish Botadkar
Tanish is a freelance writer who's an absolute Marvel nerd. If he's not writing, he's probably rewatching anything related to Marvel so that he can spam his friends with theories. And if not that, he can be found gaming on his trusty PS4. While gaming is a passion for him, he also loves science and hopes to become a neuroscientist one day.