
Analyst: 3DS will cost $249 - $299


Analyst: 3DS will cost $249 - $299

Colin Sebastian, an analyst at Lazard Capital Markets, has said that he expects the 3DS to retail for between $249 and $299.

“Nintendo’s 3D-enabled handheld device (3DS) was the largest draw at E3, and we believe it will be successful at extending the company’s leadership position in the portable market,” he said in a research note.

“Importantly, the 3DS does not require glasses or a 3D TV to enjoy a 3D experience, which we believe will resonate well with consumers.

“We expect a late 2010 launch of the 3DS in Japan, followed by March 2011 in North America, with a price point in the $249-$299 range.”

The price point of the new device is a contentious point, but one that we’re happy to speculate on.

Ben Maxwell
Ben Maxwell
Ben is an eager young games journalist who, when touring with his band, happily replaces sex, drugs, and rock & roll with Advance Wars, Drop7, rock, and Rolando...