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5 meta teams for Monster Never Cry

5 meta teams for Monster Never Cry

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It has always been debatable which teams are good and which are bad in Monster Never Cry. With the recent introduction of new monsters, the game seems to be shifting away from the old meta. Does this mean the old compositions are no longer good enough? Should you change the way you build a team? What are Monster Never Cry's best teams at the moment, even? You'll find all the answers to these questions and more!

A trio of monsters holding their weapons in a fashionable stance

In Monster Never Cry, you are tasked with forming a team of five monsters while trying to keep a balance between the three main roles: Support/Defence/Attack. This doesn't look easy, especially with the numerous possible iterations, and ever since new monsters have come out, I would say that, in the next, what, two or three months, we will probably lose some of our greatest giants in the team comps. That's why we will trim it down to the five best teams in Monster Never Cry which can be subject to change in future updates.

Normally you would include two defence/bruiser monsters in the front line like Avanzo/Zenobia, two attack monsters like Vespa/Coronis, and a support like Octasia in the back line. But, this approach doesn’t work here, as the harmony of skills between monsters can cancel out the need for a specific role, leaving a few logical team compositions in the dirt. Let's look at the best five meta builds that may/may not include the newest released monsters: Kurarith and SynderHelden.

Note: Every monster has a shiny version with better stats than the default one.

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#1 Void Clash Team

Coronis character surrounded by crows and charging a floating red arrow
  • Sarcophagurl
  • Zenobia
  • Lilith
  • Coronis
  • Undine

This comp uses Sarcophagurl and Zenobia as front-line monsters. The first is a survivability-focused monster, while the latter is balanced between damage dealing and debuffs (Silence). They are enough to tank some damage while being on the offence and battering the enemy monsters. Lilith, Coronis and Undine, meanwhile, should be able to finish the job with their explosive ranged/magical attacks.
This is a perfect example of how healing and shielding monsters like Octasia are not necessarily needed in every comp.

#2 PvE/PvP Team (Damage + Support)

a winged dragonic monster holding a long spear behind her back
  • Avanzo
  • Zenobia
  • SynderHelden
  • Octasia
  • Lilith

This PvE/PvP team focuses on balancing the damage and support roles, featuring the best pair of tanks on the front line. Avanzo and Zenobia will be reassuring, backed up by one of the best support monsters, Octasia, ensuring long survivability and a good comeback out of bursting enemy comps. The rest of the job will be in SynderHelden and Lilith's hands. With their great damage dealing and debuffing of enemy haste, you can win almost every fight of endurance.

#3 PvE/PvP team (Damage focused)

Vespa character with a huge bone tail and pink ghosts surrounding her
  • Zenobia
  • Vespa
  • SynderHelden
  • Lilith
  • Coronis

In this team, we are just switching out Avanzo and Octasia. Ultimately, what really matters is what you're trying to achieve, and you will notice many of the servers’ top players use this composition as it provides the best DPS. As I have stated before, some roles can be dropped out, and in the end, you're free to pick whichever team works best for you.

#4 Mirror Abyss Team

A white-haired smirking dracula with a burning mask in the palm of his hand
  • Zenobia
  • Dracula
  • Lilith
  • SynderHelden
  • Coronis

This is literally the exact same damage-focused team for PvE/PvP, but we are just benching out Vespa to leave the spot for Dracula. Our shining star is a life steal master, which probably isn’t surprising given the name" The idea here is to add more survivability to the front line while keeping the same damage output.

Dracula is also a widely popular monster among the top players, and you will often see a pair of DPS/control tanks on the front line. However, some people prefer the old-fashioned way of forming a team.

#5 Throne of Zenith Team

a mythical monster with a lion's head and snakes for tails and floating in mid-air
  • Avanzo
  • Dracula
  • SynderHelden
  • Undine
  • Lilith

Finally, we are using this final team composition as an alternative and suggestion for replacement monsters. It might come down to your preferences or the monster you can ascend. The main idea in our Throne of Zenith team is granting a sturdy front line with life steal and immortality skills while the back line lands a good punch with debuffs on enemy monsters to ensure overkill.

Of course, ascending these monsters is harder because they are so hard to get, but your biggest limiter is usually the amount of mana you have acquired, not necessarily maxing out ascension. It's going to take you a long while to get enough mana to max out every monster on your team, so you might as well think of resetting a few monsters to get some back.

That's all folks for our five best teams in Monster Never Cry.

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Adam Jami
Adam Jami
A seasoned writer with a lifelong passion for gaming. From pixelated classics to cutting-edge virtual worlds, Adam dives fearlessly into every new game that hits the scene. Beyond gaming, he is also passionate about anime, so you might catch a few anime references or some cheeky sarcasm in his musings.