New Releases

Immortality, Sam Barlow's most recent indie hit, launches onto mobile

Immortality, Sam Barlow's most recent indie hit, launches onto mobile
| Immortality

The most recent indie hit from legendary developer Sam Barlow and Half Mermaid, Immortality, has finally launched onto mobile devices. Courtesy of Netflix’s games platform, this high-brow mystery title sees you trying to piece together the disappearance of a famous actress by perusing three separate films she was in and finding clues within each.

Sam Barlow has always had a knack for weird and eerie mystery games, with hits such as Her Story and even Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. All of the titles he’s designed are typically very engaging and will have you hooked on the plot especially, determined to solve the spooky tales each weaves. Immortality is no different.

Utilising a system in which you’ll begin with clips from one of those three movies this fictional actress starred in, you’ll then scrub through those bits of the films and click on various people or objects in the scene, which will then give you new clips to look through and so on.

As you pick through all of these various bits and pieces of the films, you’ll not only slowly start to complete the films and be able to watch them in their entirety, but you’ll also begin seeing odd visions of a mysterious person, almost ghostly sightings. Combine this with the fact that you’ll also slowly pick up on the story at work here, which I won’t spoil due to it being potentially one of the best out there currently, and there’s a lot of digging to do with an incredible payoff.

If you’ve been a fan of Sam Barlow’s works, Immortality is the game for you beyond any doubt. Sporting one of the best review score averages seen this year, it has become quite a hit, and is surely going to find its way onto quite a few "game of the year" lists.

Those of you who are subscribers to Netflix can download Immortality for free right now through the platform at either of the links below this article!

Immortality icon
Download now!

Looking for more games similar to Barlow's works? Check out our Top 10 best narrative adventure games!
Connor Derrick
Connor Derrick
Connor is a diehard JRPG fan and an equally diehard fan of writing. When he isn’t putting 100+ hours into the latest Atlus release, he’s playing board games with his partner or blasting a mid-2000s punk record. Music, film, writing, and games are his biggest passions, and he hopes to one day unite all of those in some way or another.