
I-phone Bowling hits the App Store


I-phone Bowling hits the App Store

Having had a go on it a couple of times – including in highly secretive conditions last April – we’ve been following the progress of I-play Bowling as it rolled towards the App Store.

We’ve already reviewed the mobile version, which came out last year, and that went down fairly well. It wasn’t the most complex game, but it made innovative use of the accelerometer in compatible phones.

It seemed like a natural fit for iPhone back then, and after a longish development it’s finally here to show us what it can do.

In the words of the press release, the game sees you “using your iPhone as a bowling ball,” although this is advice we urge to you follow with care. You can also create a profile with the Build-A-Bowler feature.

It’s not the first to the party, of course, with games like Flick Bowling and Midnight Bowling having already racked up a few downloads.

Still, if you’re a fan of bowling games this one might be worth adding to your collection.

Rob Hearn
Rob Hearn
Having obtained a distinguished education, Rob became Steel Media's managing editor, now he's no longer here though, following a departure in late December 2015.