
Heroes and Villains beta gameplay video revealed on iPhone

Indie developer drafting in more heroes to save the day

Heroes and Villains beta gameplay video revealed on iPhone

You may remember way back at the beginning of January that we picked up on the first iPhone game to come from IGF award-winning indie team Infinite Ammo, Heroes and Villains.

It's been a while now, so we thought we'd stop by the game's blog and see how things are going.

"The main stumbling block with releasing the game is that there are some interface problems," explains Alec Holowka, who previously worked on the sensatinoal IGF award winning Aquaria. "Right now its too hard for most people to pick up and play - which is a required aspect of iPhone games."

There's a new gameplay video showing how the game mechanics will work, demonstrating something of a cross between Lemmings, Boom Blox and Tower Bloxx, as you send your heroes on a mission to help the marching civilians reach the safety zone.

But some levels require a different tact. When playing as a villain, it's your job to terrorise and destroy the little people, which evidently isn't always as easy as it looks.

In an effort to address the interface difficulties, the Infinite Ammo team has drafted in help from its indie friends.

"I’m employing the aide of some of my indie game developer friends – to have them assess, praise or destroy what I have in the game now, and hear how much potential they think it has," Holowka continues. "I think it’ll at the very least be educational; hopefully it’ll lead to the game improving and eventually being released."

Let's hope so. Heroes and Villains looks like a unique puzzler with lashings of wry humour and plenty of action, which is exactly what we're in the mood for. Let's hope those heroes take flight.

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Spanner Spencer
Spanner Spencer
Yes. Spanner's his real name, and he's already heard that joke you just thought of. Although Spanner's not very good, he's quite fast, and that seems to be enough to keep him in a regular supply of free games and away from the depressing world of real work.