
The best place to play Auto Chess - PC vs Mobile

| Auto Chess
The best place to play Auto Chess - PC vs Mobile

The comfort of your desk, or the convenience of the toilet?

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Auto Chess is the biggest new thing. Whether it's the League of Legends spin-off Teamfight Tactics, the Dota Underlords, Auto Chess, Chess Rush, or any other absurd variation, all of the big developers are jumping in on the latest craze, and it can offer you hours of fun.

But the thing is, the Auto Chess ecosystem is practically split across mobile and PC, with some games exclusive to mobile, others exclusive to PC, and few, like Dota Underlords, truly uniting that experience.

If you're a budding Auto Chess fan, then you will want to play your new favourite game in comfort, and in the manner you choose. So it's great to have options, but what do we do? Do we play on mobile, or on PC? There are a bunch of factors to consider in this equation, so let's break them down…

Form factor

Dota Underlords

So the key difference here will be the form factor. You can take your mobile phone anywhere, but your PC? That's pretty difficult, even if you've got a slim laptop.

So, you have a long daily commute on the train? Auto Chess on mobile is perfect. Boot up your preferred version, relax through your train ride, pack up as your arrive at the office. Beautiful.

But what if you don't struggle with that, and like to restrict your gaming time to your free time? Well, you can play it at your PC when you're unwinding after a hard day. Though, restrict is the key word here. Your options are going to be far more limited. And honestly, if you were going to be playing at home, wouldn't curling up on the sofa with your phone preferred?

Unfortunately, PC loses out on the form factor front. It just doesn't offer enough options and mobility like a mobile device does.

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If you're a visuals snob, then you're probably already playing most games on PC. 4K, high framerates, ultra graphics - they're all attractive prospects, and I can't blame you.

When it comes to visuals, your mobile device is likely to be less capable than a common PC, and if you find your phone heating up after long game sessions, Auto Chess on mobile might not be a good choice.

If you do have a high-powered phone capable of running the games at their best though, you honestly won't be missing out on much, seeing as Auto Chess games are hardly graphics intensive even at their best.


A big, clear interface is essential for some players, and I'm sorry to report that mobile devices, with their often small screens, do not have the best interface.

Some options in games like Dota Underlords or Auto Chess are simply too small on mobile, and if you have a small screen, then the UI will be frustrating.

These issues are completely alleviated on PC, though mobile isn't out yet. If you're playing your mobile games on a tablet, then suddenly that interface is perfectly viable and frustration free. A very tempting option.

The bottom line

Ultimately, there is no wrong way to play Auto Chess. What matters the most is how it fits into your lifestyle, and how comfortable the experience will be.

Having said that, Dota Underlords happens to unite the experience and allow you to continue playing with your Steam account on both mobile and PC. This unification, arguably, makes it the best place to play if you ever wish to hop between the two platforms.

We are mobile fans at heart, so it's easy for us to say it's the definitive place to play, but your own experience is the most important factor.

That said, mobile certainly has plenty of advantages, eh? Play on your phone on the train, and on the tablet on the sofa back home. Perfect.

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Dave Aubrey
Dave Aubrey
Dave served as a contributor, and then Guides Editor at Pocket Gamer from 2015 through to 2019. He specialised in Nintendo, complaining about them for a living.