
Right Runner is an endless runner from Unicef for iOS and Android aiming to raise awareness for children's rights

To commemorate World Children's Day

Right Runner is an endless runner from Unicef for iOS and Android aiming to raise awareness for children's rights

Unicef has created its own runner as a vehicle to try and raise awareness of young people's rights worldwide. It was made to commemorate World Children's Day and for the 30 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It's available now for iOS and Android.

Set in Latin America and the Caribbean you'll dash through five different levels that will see you dodging obstacles and collecting megaphones so that you can more easily spread the world. Each level is effectively a metaphor and represents different rights children have such as a right to be protected and to have a safe environment.

You'll be doing a different kind of 'running' in each level too. From running to safety during extreme flooding to skateboarding through an obstacle-filled old town. It hopes to educate players at the same time with the final level making use of the microphone on your mobile, asking you to shout your rights into it as you descend a mountain to further spread the word.

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I'd expect this to be a fairly simple and short experience given that the game aims to raise awareness of young people's rights. Unicef will want players to be able to complete it without too much of an issue.

That being said, you'll still be able to perform tricks as you dash through each level by holding down on the right side of the screen. The more you successfully manage to pull off the higher your trick score will be, so there's a bit of a competitive element to Right Runner too.

For more information on the game's objectives or if you're interested n learning about the rights of children, head over to the official website for Right Runner to learn more about both.

Right Runner is available now on the App Store and Google Play. It's an entirely free-to-play game with the aim being to raise awareness instead of making any profit.

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Stephen Gregson-Wood
Stephen Gregson-Wood
Stephen brings both a love of games and a very formal-sounding journalism qualification to the Pocket Gamer team.