
Only hours left to nominate the Best App Ever for iOS and Android

Show support for your favourite devs and get nominating!

Only hours left to nominate the Best App Ever for iOS and Android

Today's your last chance to nominate the top iOS and Android apps for the 7th Best App Ever Awards.

Nominating shows developers just how much you love their apps, and can help the apps you choose stand out in the ever-crowded marketplace.

It's simple enough to nominate, just head over to Best App Ever, pick your platform, category, then search for the app you want to nominate, and hit the "Nominate this app" button.

We know you love games, after all, that's why you're here. However, everyone has a shortlist of go-to apps - we just want you to nominate yours.

You don't have to vote for each and every category, but we recommend you at least vote for the ones you're most passionate about.

So... what are you waiting for? Load up your iPhone, iPad, and / or Android device, perouse through your favourite apps and games, then throw them a nomination!

We'll be closing up shop at midnight GMT, so best get to it as soon as you have a chance!

Danny Russell
Danny Russell
After spending years in Japan collecting game developers' business cards, Danny has returned to the UK to breed Pokemon. He spends his time championing elusive region-exclusive games while shaking his fist at the whole region-locking thing.