
Kickstart this: Ex-Call of Duty devs may bring beat 'em up / shooter To The Death to Vita

Die and die again

Kickstart this: Ex-Call of Duty devs may bring beat 'em up / shooter To The Death to Vita
| To The Death

To The Death is a strange title for this game that may be coming to Vita if its Kickstarter goes well.

The reason being that the two warriors you alternate play between are already dead. They killed each other. Yet, their vendetta is so strong that they continue to battle even beyond death.

Can they fight until the death again?

The team of ex-Call of Duty, Titanfall, and God of War developers behind To The Death obviously think so. And who are we to argue?

All the weapons

It seems that the team has combined the genres that they've previously worked on with To The Death. It's described as a "Gravity defying, genre combining, beat'em-up, shoot'em-up, action game", which is a lot to take in.

The easier way to explain it is that you'll be shooting, pummeling, and defending against waves of dynamic enemies.

As you defeat these enemies, you'll be able to upgrade your warriors on the fly with bony swords, magnetic shields, pulsar guns, and much more. The focus is on big combos and a lot of action filling up the screen at once.

Currently, To The Death is on Kickstarter, where the developer is seeking $400,000 over the next 28 days in order to bring it to desktop PCs.

What we're interested in seeing is whether the $750,000 stretch goal can be reached. That's when a port for PS4 and Vita will be developed.

We can all but hope. Well, you can also throw in some coins to the pot as well, if you're interested.

Chris Priestman
Chris Priestman
Anything eccentric, macabre, or just plain weird, is what Chris is all about. He turns the spotlight on the games that fly under the radar.