Galaga X
| Galaga X

If the principles behind a game still hold up almost thirty years after its release, chances are it was onto a fairly good thing.

Though not a strict remake of Namco's 1981 arcade shooter – there are, after all, already releases that follow that particular pathGalaga X still feels like a product of the same brand of thinking, bringing an almost decorative take to the art of the shoot-'em-up.

Beauty and the beast

Indeed, anyone new to Galaga expecting something along the lines of Space Invaders will be a touch surprised. Here, rather than forming long lines that sneak their way towards the bottom of the screen, enemy ships sweep in and out of view in great waves, diving around the map with flexibility.

Galaga X's challenge lies in adjusting your attack to make sure you don't get swept away.

At your disposal are the lasers that automatically fire directly ahead, and a stationary satellite that you can deploy to take out leagues of enemy attackers if well-placed.

Given any contact with said foe wipes you and one of your three lives from play, so positioning yourself where you can take out each wave without putting yourself in danger is crucial.

Dangerous liaisons

To this end, you can move your ship in any direction you please, but your fire only ever shoots out straight in front of you.

Luckily, Galaga X gives you a little sneak preview of what's in store. Before each attack, lines make their way across the screen, the plot of each wave marked out for you so you can prepare your defence.

This doesn't necessarily make things any easier, but it does mark out the safe spots from those that put you in peril, constant movement rather than sitting in one spot the key to your survival.

It's the sheer beauty of each attack that really acts as Galaga X's signature, however. Namco's re-run is a subtle reimagining of what made the original so popular in the first place.

Galaga X

Bringing an artistic approach to the genre, Galaga X stays loyal to the franchise while also adding its own brush strokes
Keith Andrew
Keith Andrew
With a fine eye for detail, Keith Andrew is fuelled by strong coffee, Kylie Minogue and the shapely curve of a san serif font. He's also Pocket Gamer's resident football gaming expert and, thanks to his work on, monitors the market share of all mobile OSes on a daily basis.