
European Motorola Milestone now official

Multi-touch in, Google Navigator out

European Motorola Milestone now official

We mentioned yesterday that the highly desirable Motorola Droid was on its way to Germany, thanks to a few leaks and titbits gleaned from our friend the internet.

Well now it’s official. Motorola has released a full spec of the European Milestone on its website, with a few interesting differences to the US model.

First, the bad news - Google Navigation, the feature that has everyone raving and predicting the death of Tom Tom and Garmin, will not feature in the European Milestone. Instead we’ll get Motonav, Motorola’s own attempt at GPS navigation.

The good news? Multi-touch implementation. For whatever reason (probably due to a dispute with Apple) the American device will lack the feature upon release, whereas we’ll be able to go fingers-on from the get go.

So, we’ll be getting inferior navigation but better browsing than our American cousins. Who do you think is getting the raw deal?

Boy Genius
Jon Mundy
Jon Mundy
Jon is a consummate expert in adventure, action, and sports games. Which is just as well, as in real life he's timid, lazy, and unfit. It's amazing how these things even themselves out.