
Does that inkblot on the App Store look like Rorschach?

AKA How well do you know your friends?

Does that inkblot on the App Store look like Rorschach?
| Rorschach

Perhaps now better known as the superhero character from Watchmen rather than the original psychological inkblot test, nevertheless Rorschach remains a strong cultural meme.

Strong enough indeed for an iPhone and iPod touch app to be released; although to be exact, this app is based on the boardgame from Bucephalus.

You can tell because the app's splash screen says so - at least the bit that doesn't look like a mutant butterfly that's going to slice me up with its razor-edged wings. Momma, please make it go away...

But, no, no, no. This is a happy hand-a-round app that's all about party fun and frolics.

There's no cod evaluation of what the various inkblots mean. Instead you enter the names and a colour for each player who's going to join the game (up to eight players).

Each individual in turn is shown various inkblots with a question such as Which makes you smile? Or Which is worth the most money? They choose one and then the other players have to guess which inkblot was chosen, making the game more of a 'How well do you know your friends?' experience rather than a 'How psychotic are your friends nightmare?'

Rorschach is available now, priced $1.99 or £1.99. Hit the Buy It! button to go directly to a padded cell... or the App Store as it's more commonly known.
Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.