
Sony ups PSP marketing with In Your Hands mashup site

Multimedia features get a good buffing

Sony ups PSP marketing with In Your Hands mashup site

With PSP Go! raring to get out of the traps, it's all systems go for Sony's marketing department - hence the promotion of Jay Jay Burridge's Whole World in Your Hands video.

This links into a new mashup-lite website that Sony's got going on for PSP - YourWholeWorld - although this actually redirects to the global PSP In Your Hands site.

It's quite a neat little web app that lets you search for images, or upload your own, and then drag them onto a fragmented, rotational canvas of odd shapes that you can then save as a World (registration required) and/or save out wallpapers for your PC, PSP, PS3 or Facebook profile image.

There also seems to be an option (not yet working) that will enable you to generate and buy custom Wrappz skins for your PSP.

And once saved to the website, other people will be able to view and use your world in a similar manner.

Quite how this will play out into terms of the wider PSP experience in future we've yet to find out. Other issues may include people uploading offensive images although when we gently attempted to subvert the Google image search boxes which power the application, we couldn't get any filth through the filter (obviously a good thing). The likes of Halo and Gears of War weren’t banned however.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.