
Play DS game Red Bull Breakdance Championship One months before release

Its developer wants your feedback

Play DS game Red Bull Breakdance Championship One months before release

It happens all the time in PC gaming. The fact that players get to play an open beta version of a game before its release to help the developer team spot potential problems and bugs.

But it doesn't happen very often in console gaming. Instead, groups of people who seldom see the light of day sit in rooms playing them and call themselves 'game testers' when clearly they're just getting paid to play games all day.

Actually, it's nowhere near that glamourous, trust us.

But publisher Playlogic is bucking this trend by offering gamers the chance to play an early web prototype of its current project, Red Bull Breakdance Championship One (spot the advertising there).

So from now until the game's release in summer this year, potential players will be able to go to the official website, check out the concept and help the dev team by offering feedback. The best comments and suggestions received will earn their contributor a credit in the finished game.

The game is based on the real life Red Bull breakdown tournament, held annually at locations around the world and which pits 16 B-Boys in a one-to-one knock-out battle.

Controlling your break dancer in the game will be done by solving puzzles – geometric shape drawing ones – that get increasingly more difficult against a time limit. These dance-offs will be alternated with a variety of mini-games.

The visuals are described as fresh and stylish and there'll be suitably urban music to strut your stuff to. You don't even have to take our (or their) word for all this, though; head over to the site and you can check it out for yourself.

Kath Brice
Kath Brice
Kath gave up a job working with animals five years ago to join the world of video game journalism, which now sees her running our DS section. With so many male work colleagues, many have asked if she notices any difference.