
Marvel Snap launches its latest season, The Rise of the Phoenix, with a boatload of new content

Marvel Snap launches its latest season, The Rise of the Phoenix, with a boatload of new content
| Marvel Snap

In yet another massive patch, Marvel Snap has launched its latest update, this time bringing us a fair few new cards alongside some new locations, new card changes, and many more changes. The patch notes are, frankly, so large that I’d recommend taking a look at the website for the full word, but we’ll cover some of the highlights here first.

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Marvel Snap, for the unaware, has remained one of the most successful mobile card games ever released since the days of early Hearthstone. This is mostly thanks to its theming, allowing players to build up their PvP decks with a large variety of movie and comic characters from the Marvel universe. But alongside the fanservice, which it has plenty of, there’s also a wide variety of interesting mechanics on display here that help it stand out from the crowd.

And now those mechanics have only achieved even further depth with the addition of the new cards! These cards are Jean Grey, who forces both players to play the first card of their turns at the location she is placed, along with Echo, who will remove the effects of an ongoing card at whatever location she is played at.

That’s not all, however, as the other new additional cards are Legion, who replaces locations with whichever he is at, and Mirage, who copies the lowest cost card in your opponent's hand and adds on +2 power to it as well. These are some of the more technical cards the game has ever released, so it’ll be interesting to see how they shake up the meta.

Aside from that, we’ve also got two new locations; Lake Hellas, which gives additional power to 1-cost cards, and White Hot Room, which will give +3 max energy to the first player to fill up all of its card slots.

And those are only the highlights! If you want to see what else has been added or changed, check out Marvel Snap for free at either of the links below this article!

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Connor Derrick
Connor Derrick
Connor is a diehard JRPG fan and an equally diehard fan of writing. When he isn’t putting 100+ hours into the latest Atlus release, he’s playing board games with his partner or blasting a mid-2000s punk record. Music, film, writing, and games are his biggest passions, and he hopes to one day unite all of those in some way or another.