
Magnetic Joe 2 bouncing towards mobile

And it's looking attractive

Magnetic Joe 2 bouncing towards mobile
| Magnetic Joe 2

I liked Magnetic Joe. It had flaws, sure, but so did Hemingway. So did Shakespeare. So do you.

For those who don't know, it was all about getting a spherical magnet from the beginning of a level to the end with no other input than '5', which activated Joe's magnetism and dragged him towards magnets that were strategically dotted around the levels. Also, there were spikes. It was genius.

Magnetic Joe 2 has been hovering on the horizon for months, but no release date has been set until now. December 15th.

There are 100 levels this time around, compared with the previous game's 50, an enhanced physics engine, and cut-scenes. There are animated objects in the game, interactive devices (bear traps, cannons, and whatnot) and, true to the bipolar nature of magnets, there's an evil Joe and a good Joe.

Quite how this dichotomy will come into play is unclear, but it's another intriguing embellishment to an original formula that was characterised by simplicity. I'm not sure whether the bells and whistles will hang comfortably on Magnetic Joe, but it looks like In-Fusio is making the effort.

I'm looking forward to it. So should you be. Click 'Track It!' to follow the story.

Rob Hearn
Rob Hearn
Having obtained a distinguished education, Rob became Steel Media's managing editor, now he's no longer here though, following a departure in late December 2015.