
Limbus Company announces its first ever event since launch, due to start in one week

Limbus Company announces its first ever event since launch, due to start in one week
| Limbus Company

The oddball gacha RPG Limbus Company has announced its first-ever in-game event that will be hosted from April 6th to May 4th. The Refraction Railway Line 1 event will introduce players to some of their toughest fights yet, but promises an abundance of great rewards including premium gacha roll tickets, EXP items, E.G.O shards, and more!

Limbus Company has slowly become a bit of a cult hit amongst gacha fans, but even more so amongst fans of the developer, Project Moon, and their previous works. Known for creating some of the most complex game mechanics out there and incredibly engaging storylines, as seen in both Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, Project Moon continues this within Limbus Company as well.

And now, players of this turn-based RPG will finally have the chance to participate in the game’s first major event; Refraction Railway Line 1. The way this event works is not too far off from a roguelike, as you’ll begin a run of an assortment of stages picking from a pool of the Identities and E.G.Os you currently have unlocked, and will then have to upgrade them specifically within the event itself.

What this means is that upgrades and tier-ups will not apply to the characters as you progress, but will instead only apply on your next run of the chosen Line, or stages. Using these mechanics, your goal is to basically run this Line over and over again until you manage to do it within a small amount of total turns to get better rewards.

These rewards range from upgrade materials and gacha rolls to a cosmetic banner that will look flashier and flashier depending on how many turns you manage to consolidate your run with. But any death and damage done between stages carry on into the next, so expect a nail-biter.

It’s really cool to finally see a unique event taking place within Limbus Company, as those of us who have already cleared the current content was lacking for a few weeks in stuff to do. If you’re looking to take part in Refraction Railway Line 1 yourself, you can get a head start by downloading Limbus Company for free at either of the links below!

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Looking for other character-collection-based RPGs? Check out our Top 25 best gacha games for Android!
Connor Derrick
Connor Derrick
Connor is a diehard JRPG fan and an equally diehard fan of writing. When he isn’t putting 100+ hours into the latest Atlus release, he’s playing board games with his partner or blasting a mid-2000s punk record. Music, film, writing, and games are his biggest passions, and he hopes to one day unite all of those in some way or another.