
Sneak past mythical Japanese ghosts in upcoming PS4 and PS Vita horror game Kodoku

Slowly does it

Sneak past mythical Japanese ghosts in upcoming PS4 and PS Vita horror game Kodoku
| Kodoku

Telling you about Kodoku may be a bit mean. It sounds promising, but isn't due to arrive on PS4 and PS Vita until early 2015. But, oh well. Here we go.

Kodoku is a horror game that does without weapons. Instead, you'll have stealth and sorcery to form your survival strategy.

You play as a collector who has to travel to the abandoned island of Kodoku, which is haunted by paranormal entities from Japanese myths, in order to find a rare book.


As you explore the island you'll try to discover the source of the paranormal phenomena. And you'll try t well as find a means of escape. To aid your investigation, you'll gather documents and proof that the paranormal activity is genuine.

Hiding in shadows, listening to noises, and distracting enemies are essential practices, apparently. To help you out with this, you're able to focus your senses to detect direction and proximity of threats.

You'll also get spells that can be created with a simple crafting system. These will aid you in your evasion of enemies, as well as solving puzzles.

We're intrigued by the concept, and will keep you updated on Kodoku as more information becomes available.

Chris Priestman
Chris Priestman
Anything eccentric, macabre, or just plain weird, is what Chris is all about. He turns the spotlight on the games that fly under the radar.