
Happy Tree Friends to pay mobile a blood-soaked visit

If mutilating cute critters is your thing, then this is for you

Happy Tree Friends to pay mobile a blood-soaked visit

If you've ever watched the counter culture adult cartoon Happy Tree Friends, you'll know it's a subtle blend of sadism and cuteness (mostly sadism). It features a merry band of sweet and colourful woodland animals getting involved in an array of scrapes, which invariably involve certain members being impaled, decapitated, disembowelled or just generally mutilated in the most monstrous fashion possible.

Which is great, naturally.

Now there's a mobile game of the show incoming and based on what you get to do, it seems none of the show's extreme humour has been lost in the downsize. In Blood Money, then, the narrative revolves around two of the show's main characters, Shifty and Lifty, and their new money-making scheme that involves getting paid for donating blood to the blood bank.

Deeming their own life juice too precious, the pair decide to cash in on their friends' blood by duping them into using a trampoline to hurl themselves at dangerous items (saws, barbed wire, etc) suspended in mid-air.

So, to be clear, the idea is to throw your friends into the air and collect the blood that falls; the more red liquid you collect, the more money you make. Simple.

It's a darkly comic concept and sounds like it could be a perverse source of mirth, assuming the gameplay doesn't get too repetitive. Click 'Track It!' to catch our forthcoming review.