
How to play cross-system multiplayer in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered

How to play cross-system multiplayer in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered

Play on Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch, PS4, whatever you choose!

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Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition is finally here, and while there are a fair few complaints surrounding the game, namely its multiplayer implementation, we can't argue too much.

For me personally, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is a hugely nostalgic game, and even when removed from my nostalgia-sphere, it's still wonderful to see a classic game like this get full cross-play implementation, allowing gamers from different walks of life to play together.

In this guide we're going to run down what you need to know to set up a nice multiplayer lobby with your dearest friends, regardless of what system you're playing the game on.

Just beware, the game's host might be having a better time than everyone else… Read on for the full details.

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Android, iOS, Switch, PS4, together at last

Yes it's true, it doesn't matter what platform you're playing the game on, you'll be able to enjoy it with your friends. Sorry Xbox owners, you're being left out of this one. Again.

But setting up cross-play is a bit awkward if you haven't had to do it before, and you'll need Invite Codes to "follow" and befriend your pals in-game before you're able to do anything else.

A small hurdle perhaps, but a very minor one considering this opens the way for multiplayer between all of your friends, no matter where they are.

Invite codes and friends

In the Friends tab of the Main Menu you'll find a fairly plain window - what you want from here is your Invite Code, which is in the top right. It's a 12-digit code and you'll be sharing this with friends in order to join one another online.

The Search button is where you'll be inputting that Invite Code - once you use someone's code you'll be given the option to Follow them, and once you're following one another you will become Friends.

This is the first essential step to getting everyone playing together, so make sure everyone you wish to play with has shared their Invite Codes with you, and vice versa.

The host is king

Now that everyone is friends, go to the Set Out Together option on the Main Menu. Here you'll be given the option of Host, Join, and Quickmatch. One of you needs to be the Host, and it's easier if whomever is playing on a home console is the Host. Everyone else can select Join.

If you're the Host, you get to select which of your unlocked Dungeons you'll be taking your team to, how many people you wish to allow in your game (three max) and whether the party is open or Friends-only. You might want to select Friends-only if you have your pals ready to play.

Once the Host has confirmed, everyone else should be able to find the Host in the Join option by looking for the character's name. You will be able to visit any Dungeon the Host has unlocked, but only the Host gets the Myrrh rewards from the end of the Dungeon - lame.

The crystal bearer

There is one "fun fact" about multiplayer in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles you might not know, and that's that you don't get Mog when you're running around as a team.

Mog is a Moogle, and usually Mog will carry the Crystal Chalice around stages for you - but that's only when you're solo. As soon as you get a friend, Mog will leave you to carry things yourself.

This means that playing with two players is actually, in a weird way, more awkward than just playing with one. At least your friend won't complain about getting tired of carrying the thing…

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Dave Aubrey
Dave Aubrey
Dave served as a contributor, and then Guides Editor at Pocket Gamer from 2015 through to 2019. He specialised in Nintendo, complaining about them for a living.