
Silver Award-winning iOS game Bee Leader receives Mission Control update

You better bee excited

Silver Award-winning iOS game Bee Leader receives Mission Control update
| Bee Leader

Unlike most experiences with a bee, our reviewer's time in the company of Flightless's nectar-collecting iOS game Bee Leader turned out to be eminently enjoyable.

So enjoyable, in fact, that our reviewer handed it a Silver Award. And then got promptly stung.

If you were one of those that read our review and immediately went out and downloaded Bee Leader, you'll probably be buzzing about the news that the game has already received an update, entitled Mission Control.

As part of this update, the controls have been tightened, the Bee Leader's strength has been increased, and the left / right joysticks have been moved slightly further from the screen edge.

With a "special treat" promised by Flightless for version 1.2 of Bee Leader, and more levels promised after that, there's plenty to bee excited about regarding this frantic flyer. Ahem.

You can download Bee Leader from the App Store now for 69p / 99c.

Ryan Sandrey
Ryan Sandrey
Reluctant to grow up and faced with a harsh world, Ryan has been forced to reconsider everything he knows, and then disregard it in order to play video games about aliens and dragons. Hey, it keeps him off the streets.