
Wanted: French-speaking mobile games enthusiast to contribute to Pocket Gamer (we’ll pay you)

Our partner site needs a freelance editorial overseer – could that be you?

Wanted: French-speaking mobile games enthusiast to contribute to Pocket Gamer (we’ll pay you)

If you love mobile games and you speak French (ideally as a first language) your next job could be sauntering down the boulevard towards you.

Pocket Gamer isn’t just this one, handsome site. It’s a network, which includes the business-focussed, the Arabic-language and the French-language And that latter site, our French cousin, needs a writer/editor.

We’re recruiting a freelance French contributor, and the details are here:

Could that be you? Please get in touch and we’ll chat.

Si vous aimez les jeux mobiles et si vous parlez français, votre carrière nouveau pourrait être proche.

Pocket Gamer c'est plus que ce beau site. Le groupe Pocket Gamer inclut les sites web comme (en arabe) and (en français). Et ce dernier, il a besoin d'un éditeur/écrivain.

Nous recrutons un contributeur indépendant (qui parle français avec plus de compétence que moi) et voici les détails:

Pouvez-vous aider? Envoyez-nous un email, s’il vous plait.
Dave Bradley
Dave Bradley
Dave is "management", but he's also been writing about games and films for over 25 years, so we suppose he's earned it. He claims to prefer big-budget RPGs with epic storylines but is commonly discovered tapping away at hypercasual indies. Currently obsessing over Marvel Snap.