
Boku launches operator billing for Android IAP in 56 countries

Every little helps

Boku launches operator billing for Android IAP in 56 countries
| Boku news

With slow uptake of Google Checkout continuing to be a major obstacle to monetising Android content, mobile payment outfit Boku reckons it has a solution - at least when it comes to in-app purchases.

The SDK for its 1-Tap Mobile Billing for Android technology, which enables one touch IAP payment and is live in 56 countries, is now available for integration in apps.


"When we developed the beta version, the reaction was tremendous and the value to developers was immediately clear," said Erich Ringewald, Boku's CTO.

"The production version released today includes global country coverage, faster end-to-end transaction time, clear messaging to consumers and enhanced error handling. All these new features help to increase conversion rates to merchants while providing a seamless and secure purchase experience."

The system simply requires users to tap a 'Buy' button, with the IAP transaction being completed without the collection of credit card data, financial information, user login, or registration through a third party website.

It supports apps and games running Android OS 1.5+ and has been localised for 32 languages.

The SDK is available for Android developers via

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.