
Eurocenter's Portha: We had 150k downloads of Cocoto Kart via FreeAppADay

And generated thousands through in-app purchases

Eurocenter's Portha: We had 150k downloads of Cocoto Kart via FreeAppADay

Continuing our coverage of the FreeAppADay promotional website, we've caught up with Stéphane Portha, manager at Eurocenter, which promoted its Cocoto Kart game via the site last week.

Pocket Gamer: Why did you decide to try FreeAppADay?

Stéphane Portha: Joe [Bayen] from ICS Mobile contacted us before he launched the site and after talking to him about how it could work in terms of promoting games, he convinced us to give it a go.

It was a something of a gamble though because revenues from Cocoto Kart were still very good and we weren't sure if giving it away for free for a day would affect future sales.

How has the promotion gone?

The results have been fantastic. We've had more than 150,000 downloads and it has generated 4-digits euros revenue by thanks to in-app purchases, as well as increasing paid sales by 30 percent.

What advice would you give to other developers thinking about paying $1,200 to use FreeAppADay?

My advice to developers is to use it to generate a user base for their game, as well as making sure they can generate revenues with in-app purchases of new levels, modes and items.

Thanks to Stéphane for his time.
Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.