
iPhone 3.0 software available for free ‘this summer’

But iPod touch users have to pay $9.95 for it

iPhone 3.0 software available for free ‘this summer’

That’s right. To the surprise of Stuart Dredge, whose mind has been scrambled by the number of browser windows he’s had to monitor during this evening’s iPhone 3.0 press event, Apple has announced roughly when 3.0 will be available.

This summer. It’ll be a free download to iPhone owners (3G or otherwise), but iPod touch owners will have to pay $9.95. Not a king’s ransom, no, but infinitely more than iPhone owners have to pay. And then some.

Apple will also be making the App Store available in 15 more countries, bringing the total up to 77.

That's just over 39 per cent of the countries in the world, maths fans.

Rob Hearn
Rob Hearn
Having obtained a distinguished education, Rob became Steel Media's managing editor, now he's no longer here though, following a departure in late December 2015.