
E3 2008: Sony introduces new PSP titles at E3 briefing, along with new video store

Patapon 2, Super Stardust Portable and Resistance: Retribution on the way

E3 2008: Sony introduces new PSP titles at E3 briefing, along with new video store

Update: Although Sony showed the footage of Valkyria Chronicles (see below) as part of the PSP titles, this was a mistake on its part. The game has been confirmed for PS3 only.

During its annual E3 media briefing in Los Angeles today, Sony revealed new games for PSP including Super Stardust Portable, Valkyria Chronicles, Patapon 2 and Resistance: Retribution, amongst others.

Additionally, the company revealed a new video store that enables download of movies and TV shows to your PSP, starting immediately. More on that in a moment.

Headlining new PSP is Resistance: Retribution, which is being developed in Sony's Bend office. Unfortunately, it'll be a while before we get to play this impressive looking third-person shooter as it's slated for a spring 2009 release.

Joining Resistance's handheld debut is Super Stardust Portable, a top-down shooter based off the popular PlayStation Network game. No date was given, alas.

Brief footage was flashed of a PSP iteration of Sega's tactical role-playing game Valkyria Chronicles.

LocoRoco 2 and Patapon 2 were also briefly mentioned and shown in video form, although we've been made aware of their existence earlier last week. Both are looking gorgeous.

Back to the video store, then. Although you won't be able to directly download videos on your PSP, visiting PlayStation Network on a PlayStation 3 or PC allows you to access the new store. Once you've purchased a video or rented it, you can place it on your handheld and watch it wherever.

If you don't have a PSP, you might be interested in picking up a new bundle this autumn for $199 that includes Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters, National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets, and a 1GB Memory Stick. It's bound to be US-only, as these things often are. Still, with as intriguing a line-up as Sony is offering next year, it sounds like a good investment for those living in North America.

Tracy Erickson
Tracy Erickson
Manning our editorial outpost in America, Tracy comes with years of expertise at mashing a keyboard. When he's not out painting the town red, he jets across the home of the brave, covering press events under the Pocket Gamer banner.