
MEDL Mobile puts $2.5m aside for iPhone user game ideas

Public submit iPhone app ideas through new iPhone app

MEDL Mobile puts $2.5m aside for iPhone user game ideas
| App Incubator

Developer and publisher MEDL Media has launched its new iPhone application alled App Incubator, which allows users to submit their idea for games and applications for consideration for development.

MEDL has put aside $2.5 million to develop and publish the best submissions from the general iPhone using public, who - if their game makes it to full release - will then receive 25 per cent of the game's App Store revenue.

"We've been blown away by the creativity of our 'developer' community," says Andrew Maltin, MEDL Mobile CEO. "In the few days since the app went live, we have received literally thousands of submissions, and lots of them are very good."

And it doesn't stop with the iPhone. App Incubator is simply an idea submissions method, though MEDL Mobile intends to look to all systems for a game's most suitable platform, including iPhone, Android and Blackberry.

Each submission to the App Incubator is rated according to five criteria: Originality, functionality, simplicity, revenue potential and fun, so if you've got a killer ap idea floating around inside your skull but no programming skills to realise it, pick up the App Incubator now.

Spanner Spencer
Spanner Spencer
Yes. Spanner's his real name, and he's already heard that joke you just thought of. Although Spanner's not very good, he's quite fast, and that seems to be enough to keep him in a regular supply of free games and away from the depressing world of real work.