
The Shroud GPS features uncovered in the US

GPS enabled RPG now available to Helio customers

The Shroud GPS features uncovered in the US
| The Shroud

The Shroud has already proven to be quite popular with its farming-based 2D mobile RPG action, but the new Helio network release in the US adds an extra layer of depth for GPS enabled handsets.

The game already makes use of GPS data, building a world around your current environment (if you live in the right part of the world), but the system now goes one step further and utilises you as a controller. 'Breaches' appear in the gameworld (based on your location), and using an on-screen compass you can physically find these points in your surroundings and activate special challenges.

The idea of physically running around the place to control your on-screen character seems very Tomorrow's World, but there's no denying the massive scope such a gaming system offers. Playing out in the wilds, or in a crowded city centre – you'd have a genuine and very tangible way to change your experience simply by changing your location.

Currently this new system is only available to US pocket gamers on the Helio network, but if it takes off (and why wouldn't it) we can hope to see GPS put to further gaming use all across the world. Click 'Track It!' to locate further news.

Spanner Spencer
Spanner Spencer
Yes. Spanner's his real name, and he's already heard that joke you just thought of. Although Spanner's not very good, he's quite fast, and that seems to be enough to keep him in a regular supply of free games and away from the depressing world of real work.