
Scrabble A-I-V-R-R-S-E on the Android Market - for US wordsmiths only

10 points

Scrabble A-I-V-R-R-S-E on the Android Market - for US wordsmiths only
| Scrabble

EA Mobile has been relatively quiet on the Android front for the past few months, but today the company finally broke its silence and unleashed everyone’s favourite anagram board game Scrabble onto the Market.

Scrabble is so well known that I’ll skip over the description of what it’s about.

What you may be interested in knowing is that this version has asynchronous multiplayer (with up to 50 games at once possible), a virtual ‘teacher’ (that’s basically a big ol’ word finder), multi-platform play with the iPhone and Facebook versions, and - uniquely for an EA Mobile game - is completely free.

I would love to tell you how it plays, especially given the mixed reviews it's currently getting from users, but it’s also unique in that it’s incompatible with all my Android phones thanks to a region-lock that prevents UK players from getting in on the action.

We don’t normally see companies lock down Android Market games by country, so hopefully this isn’t the start of a trend. It’s already bad enough sitting out on Amazon Appstore games.

If you live over 'the Pond', though, you can grab the game by following this link (download).

Everyone else can download Words with Friends instead (download).

Will Wilson
Will Wilson
Will's obsession with gaming started off with sketching Laser Squad levels on pads of paper, but recently grew into violently shouting "Tango Down!" at random strangers on the street. He now directs that positive energy into his writing (due in no small part to a binding court order).