
Pure racing game coming to mobile


Pure racing game coming to mobile
| Pure

There's been a rash of highly respectable, highly glamorous 3D racing games lately. Looks them all: Asphalt 4: Elite Racing, The Fast and the Furious: Streets, Rally Stars 3D and Rally Master Pro. If you're a fan of bombing around in a car, it's been wild.

But, as The Joker is fond of asking, "why so serious?" Where are the preposterous jumps, the hazardous grandstanding, the vicious grit-spitting clouds of dust? Where's the impractical but novel side-on perspective.

Here it is. Living Mobile's Pure is a stunt-studded quad bike sim in the style of FMX Hardcore and Stuntman Ignition, promising a range of environments containing dunes, icebergs, cliffs, and valleys. You'll be able to jump over helicopters, leap implausible distances, and generally do whatever you like without dying.

That's right, without dying. The game is evidently geared towards casual players, to which end there's also an innovative Duel system, whereby sections of track keep looping until you manage to pull ahead of the opposition.

Nice. The game's due out in September. Click 'Track It!' to be kept up to date with all the coming coverage.

Rob Hearn
Rob Hearn
Having obtained a distinguished education, Rob became Steel Media's managing editor, now he's no longer here though, following a departure in late December 2015.