
Katana Zero is the sword-wielding cyberpunk fantasy you're looking for, out now on Netflix Games

It's all slash, no hack

Katana Zero is the sword-wielding cyberpunk fantasy you're looking for, out now on Netflix Games
  • Katana Zero is a cyberpunk side-scrolling slasher, out now
  • Another great title making its way to Netflix Games
  • Just beware of the sometimes finicky touch controls

It's often said that we're living through a pretty boring version of a dystopian future. Sure we have all the economic and political instability, but where's the rain-drenched, neon-soaked streets of giant megacities for us to wander along? More importantly, where are the katanas?

Yes, in the grand tradition of Jetstream Sam, Wesley Snipes in Blade and Toshiro Mifune in well, everything, you too can prove that being practical isn't half as important as looking cool with Katana Zero. In it, you play as former assassin Zero, a man wielding a katana in a world packed with guns and treacherous former allies, with no clue which is the most deadly to you.

Just released for Netflix Games, you may have already spotted our glowing review of Katana Zero (albeit with the caveat of some finicky touch controls). And it's yet another great title making its way to Netflix's sadly oft-overlooked gaming end of their subscription.

Check out the trailer for Katana Zero below!

Slicey slicey, oncey twicey
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Katana Zero is excellent all on its own, and making the jump to mobile courtesy of Netflix Games is another pretty big vindication of our view that this is one of the best subscription catalogues out there at the moment. Of course, we've also tempered that with the notion that good things don't last forever, so if you do want to give Katana Zero a try you can check it out right now on Netflix Games.

And if you want to see what else has made an impact on us this year, check out some of our lists. Specifically, you'll want to take a gander at our list of the best mobile games of 2024 (so far) to find out what major releases, indie hits and hidden gems we think are worth a go.

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Iwan Morris
Iwan Morris
Iwan is a Cardiff-based freelance writer, who joined the Pocket Gamer Biz site fresh-faced from University before moving to the editorial team in November of 2023.